Teacup puppies for sale


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Pure bred Teacup Pomeranian

Color: Brown
Age: 3 months
Size: Teacup , 1lbs
Gender: Female
Summary: Very small teacup Pomeranian girl and also boy avaliable. with an amazing personality very sweet loves to cuddle and cozy up to his owners

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Our Mission

Ever since we got established, our main goal has been to fulfill customer’s expectations and get them the Puppy of their dreams. We have noticed that demand for Pomeranians has been greatly increasing Throughout United States however, customer could never be sure if they are getting a real pure bred Pomeranian because of so many people selling different breeds as Pomeranians. We have been specializing in bear-faced, teacup, fluffy, healthy and real Pomeranian puppies since 2015 and have successfully provided loving homes for hundreds of puppies all over the world. Our puppies stay teacup size even when fully grown, unless customer specifically requests a non teacup Pomeranian. We also provide a puppy passport , vaccination record, microchip and pedigree with your purchase. Our mission is to make as many customers happy and get them the dog of their dreams. Dog that looks exactly like they have dreamed of , at the end of the day we want to make our customers happy by meeting their needs so that they then will make our dogs as happy as possible ! And give them long happy , healthy lives !


🇺🇸 95 Wall Street
New York, NY 10005


+ 212-804-8446


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Avaliable Puppies

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TIPS AND TRICKSWhat it includes

Bring Your Own Food
Use small plastic baggies to package pre-measured meals and label them Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
At least 1 leash
It's always a good idea to include 2 in case the other is lost. If you don't have more than one, we'll give you.
Medicine & supplements
Make sure to include the appropriate number of doses that your dog will need to take in your absence.
Documents Required
Be sure that all required documents and forms are ready to present on drop off day. Contact us for more info.
Favorite toys
almost every dog has ther favorites that they just can't live without. If there is such a thing, you will take it out.
Future support
If you have any questions or need advice on caring for and feeding your puppy, I am always ready to help


Tips and tricks: Puppy’s First Grooming
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95 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005
+1 (212) 804-8446
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